ISO 27001 Information Security Management System standards require that information security is considered as a process. Therefore, as in all quality systems, this process is expected to be managed as a cycle of planning, implementation, control and precautionary steps. Only in this way can the continuity of the system be ensured. The faster the technology and communication technologies are developing, the more the counter-movements of malicious people are developing at the same speed. In order to keep up with this speed, this cycle should not stop at all.

Information Security Management System Certificate organizations have identified information security risks and have taken these risks to a level acceptable to the organization. ISO 27001 standardsrequires the assessment of all information assets of the organization and the risk analysis taking into consideration the threats and gaps on information assets. As such, ISO 27001 standards are actually information security risk management standards.

ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certificate The benefits of receiving to an organization are as follows:

      The importance given to the protection of information in the organization is shown.

      Information assets are proven to be protected against possible attacks and malicious use.

      Continuity of the organization is ensured.

      With the information being confidential, reliable and accessible, a sense of trust is created for the customers.

      At the same time, the organization gains competitive power in the market.

      The cash flow and efficiency of the organization is increased.

      Unnecessary time loss and unnecessary workload are prevented in accessing information.

      The image of the organization in the sector is increased.

      Official regulations such as laws and regulations are complied with.

      Awareness is created among employees about the protection of information.

      Information security is continuously evaluated.

      Since the performance is continuously monitored, the development of the system is faster.

      Activities related to information security are supported by process and documentation studies.

      Since information systems and computer networks will be constantly under control, the system is also protected from computer-aided threats and hazards.

For more information on the advantages of having an ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certificate, you can contact experienced managers and employees of the TURCERT certification body.