Security is at the core of the Supply Chain Safety Management System standard. In this system, the phenomenon of defending deliberate malicious behavior or actions of unauthorized persons in order to damage the supply chain is defined as security. In this case, companies should carry out a risk assessment study in areas they deem risky and take control of their possible risks.

ISO 28001. Supply Chain Security Management Systemis designed to put these risks in place and to manage them correctly. Companies in various sectors, large and small and in different fields of activity will naturally want to obtain the certificate after installing this system in their organizations.

ISO 28001. Supply Chain Security In order to obtain a Management System Certificate, it is necessary to apply to a certification body.

The only document required at the time of application is the application form, which will only be received from the certification body and must be completed completely and correctly. However, together with this form, companies requesting documents should have all the documents they prepared while establishing the ISO 28001 Supply Chain Security Management System.

When the certification bodies receive this application form, they appoint an auditor and start an examination first through these system documents. This is the first stage audit. If during the audit, it is found that the documents prepared do not meet or fail to meet ISO 28001 Supply Chain Security Management System standards, the company shall be notified in writing and requested to complete the deficiencies. However, if there is no deficiency, then the certification body starts the second stage audit. This audit is conducted in the working environment of the company and it is examined whether the activities are performed within the framework of system standards. Finally, a report is prepared by the auditors.

Certification bodymakes its decision based on this report. If deemed appropriate, prepares and submits the Supply Chain Security Management System Certificate to the company.

28001 Supply Chain Security Management System Certificate Do not waste time applying to the managers and employees of TURCERT certification institution to get more detailed information about which documents should be submitted in the application for obtaining the application.