According to the official study results, the total energy costs in our country have exceeded the 50 of the total production costs. The enacted energy law, therefore, aimed to prevent waste in energy use, to use energy more effectively, to alleviate the burden of energy costs on the economy and thus to protect the environment and to increase the efficiency in the use of energy resources and energy.

This has accelerated the efforts to save energy and establish an energy management system. ISO 50001 Energy Management System The preparation of the standards is also a result of these efforts. In this system, all energy-using organizations are expected to identify and identify the energy-consuming and upgradable points, taking into account the energy consumption up to that time and the energy requirements that may take place thereafter. Because the improvement work to be done at all these points will be.

In doing so, legal obligations should not be overlooked. However, legal requirements cannot be a goal or reason for improvement. These are the obligations that must be fulfilled.

ISO 50001 standardsexpects to include measurable energy targets such as reducing energy consumption in an organization or reducing electricity consumption. No matter what kind of energy source is used by an organization, more efficient, more sustainable energy consumption such as continuous improvement.

An enterprise that establishes ISO 50001 Energy Management System has started with energy analysis, has identified the consumption points related to energy correctly, has made the necessary improvements in energy points by making necessary improvements and after that, it has ensured the continuity of improvement works. So the system wants to run the Plan, Apply, Check and Prevent cycle.

ISO 50001 standards highlight the importance of energy efficiency by drawing attention to rising energy costs and changing climatic conditions. Some organizations that have built a complex system are therefore under a large cost burden. At the same time they cause environmental pollution with high carbon emissions.

The ISO 50001 Energy Management System continuously improves energy efficiency and seeks to address today's challenges such as energy security and global warming.

For more information on what ISO 50001 Energy Management System is, how to install and operate it, you can contact the staff of the TURCERT certification body.