The foundation of Islamic religion is the basis of the Qur'anic provisions and the words and behaviors of the prophet and all the rules Allah has ordered for Muslims, the standards of halal food. According to this, the food and beverage items that religion forbidden are as follows:

      Meat of dead animals

      All kinds of food and additives from pig and pig

      Blood flowing from the animal or clotting

      Meat and food of animals sacrificed to idols

      All kinds of intoxicating substances such as alcohol and drugs

      Meat of canine predators and birds of prey

There are two points to focus on. Once every person has the right to a healthy and clean diet. In addition, every person who has faith has the right to receive nutrition and service in accordance with the requirements of his faith.

These rights Halal Foods standards. Because these standards, as well as the production of religious requirements, as well as production requires clean and healthy production. Briefly Halal Food Standardskeeps both fundamental human rights and freedom of belief together.

Today, it is clear how the food and service sector has grown, diversified and gained an international dimension. On the one hand, thousands of substances from raw materials to additives are used in food production, while new consumption and service areas emerge. These areas need to be evaluated in terms of religious as well as health. Certification studies will provide this. With these studies, it is checked whether the products and services offered by the companies comply with religious rules and whether these products and services contain non-halal substances and processes.

If the companies produce in accordance with the Islamic rules in their business, they will naturally want to create an advantage for themselves by taking this certificate. To do so, it is sufficient that they apply to a certification body and have completed the application form. Besides Halal Food Certificate There is no other document requested during application. However, when necessary, certification bodymay request additional information and documents.

Do not waste time applying to the managers and employees of TURCERT certification company for more detailed information about which documents should be given in the application for obtaining Halal Food Certificate and even for Halal Food certification studies.