Products using certain elements can be extremely dangerous for both environmental conditions and human health. If the use of these elements cannot be avoided, then it must remain within certain limits. This situation is more common especially during the production of electrical and electronic devices. In this case, the Council of Europe has found it appropriate to use these elements and chemicals, at least within the maximum limits.

In the RoHS directive, the essential elements that have adverse effects on the environment and human health and the maximum allowable amounts are explained as follows:



Chemical icon

Maximum allowed value



Percent 0.1 ppm



Percent 0.1 ppm



Percent 0.01 ppm

Plus 6-valued Chrome

crxnumx +

Percent 0.1 ppm

Polybromide biphenyl


Percent 0.1 ppm

Polybromide biphenyl ether


Percent 0.1 ppm


The ppm value (parts per million) in the table means one million parts by mass.

Accurate assessment of RoHS compliance within the scope of product testing, analysis and validation provides legal security to manufacturers and strengthens their image and recognition in the market.

RoHS systemstipulates that the electrical and electronic devices are free of the harmful substances described above. The use of these substances in the product can only be determined by RoHS tests. These tests are performed by accredited laboratories.

The RoHS test may vary according to the properties of the product. In general, the following methods are used in these tests: XRF Mapping, XRF Screening, Wet Chemical Analysis, Modular Rosh concept for retailers and importer, and RoHS certification program for homogeneous materials and components. Using one of these methods, it is determined whether the product contains harmful substances and if so, RoHS Certificate for the event.

In terms of human health, lead is especially important among the elements and chemicals mentioned above. Lead can enter the body through respiration or digestion and cause health problems. Today, the RoHS directive and EEE Regulation The use of lead in the production of paint, pipes, batteries and gasoline was largely abandoned. Lead affects the central nervous system most in the human body. This is more common in children. In addition, the kidneys and reproductive systems are the organs most damaged by the toxic effect of lead. If more lead is introduced into the body, the reaction time of the body is prolonged, a feeling of weakness is felt in the fingers, the wrists and ankles become weak and frequent memory losses are experienced.


our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification As well as all quality systems, the company provides a strong staff and technical infrastructure to the demanding manufacturers. In order to receive or request RoHS Certificate, you can contact our executives immediately.