When a company is hiring, it gives importance to the experience of these personnel in the field they will work. However, there may be situations in which existing elements are insufficient due to changes in technologies and production methods over time. In this case, these elements should be trained and their deficiencies closed. Quality management systemestablishing and managing companies in their businesses, resource management in order to ensure the adequacy of human resources in this way, to raise awareness of the staff and to work to eliminate the lack of education.

During the development of existing products and services or in preparation for the introduction of new products and services, all employees need to be trained on activities that affect the quality of these products and services.

The quality management representative assigned within the company is responsible for identifying training needs in this direction. The training needs of the personnel may also arise during the internal audit studies or management review meetings, in which the personnel may demand them. Complaints and suggestions from customers may determine a need in this direction.

In general, the programming of the trainings and the monitoring of the training activity after the training are performed by the human resources unit. Human resources assess the knowledge of employees before and after the training and measure the effectiveness of the training.

TrainingDepending on the importance and scope of the need, it can be provided from internal sources or from external organizations. In general, the training to be obtained from external sources depends on the absence of a person to provide training in that subject.

Companies, quality system prepares a training application instruction for the purpose of keeping records of training, skills and experience within the scope of documentation studies and defining the necessary methods and acts within the framework of this instruction for its activities in this direction. In line with this directive, companies attach importance to the fact that the personnel have been educated about their job, have the necessary conditions in terms of education, skills and experience, comply with the qualifications and requirements of the staff, and the performance of the newly hired personnel during the nomination period.

More detailed information on competence, awareness (awareness) and education may be needed for human resource management. In such cases our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company employees should not hesitate to apply.