ISO 9001 Quality Certificate

ISO 9001 Quality Management System is established according to ISO 9001 standard and certification work is performed according to this standard. The ISO 9000 standard defines the definition of the ISO 9001 ...

ISO 9001 Certificate What Advantages

It is not easy to give a definition of quality. It is possible to make various quality definitions depending on the differences of perception of people and the service understanding of the enterprises. But make a generalization ...

Why Should I Get an ISO 9001 Certificate

An organization that has ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate, with this certificate, in accordance with an internationally accepted management system in which production or service is provided and established ...

Where To Apply To Get ISO 9001 Certificate

The Quality Management System is not merely an ISO 9001 Quality Management System. ISO 9000 series is not a product or service standard, but is an organization's quality management system for general k ...

Certificate of Quality

Today, many organizations establish ISO 9001 Quality Management System in their businesses and continue their activities by complying with the criteria of this system and following the standards. And all this ...

How ISO 9001 Standard Requirements apply to the organization

There is no sector restriction or size restriction in practice for the establishment of ISO 9001 Quality Management System. No matter what sector it works, whatever its size ...