The term occupational health and safety refers to the elements and conditions that affect the comfort, health and safety of employees, temporary workers, contractor personnel, visitors and other people in the workplace. According to the World Health Organization statements, being healthy is not only the absence of a disease or disability, but also a peaceful and good state in terms of body, soul and social aspects.

Occupational health and Safety In the studies carried out by the governments and various organizations, occupational health and safety is defined as systematic works done in order to protect the health of the believers and to create a more suitable working environment.

These studies have three main objectives:

  • To protect employees from work accidents and occupational diseases.
  • To create a healthy workforce, increase production safety and increase production efficiency to ensure production safety.
  • To ensure operational safety in order to prevent damage to the enterprise from accident and its effects.

There are a number of costs incurred by organizations for occupational accidents. There is a visible aspect of these costs. These expenses, which are expressed as direct expenses, are treatment expenses, insurance premiums, court expenses and repair expenses. There are also invisible expenses. These expenses, which are expressed as indirect expenses, are loss of production, loss of working days, loss of labor and losses of the society.

When an accident occurs in the workplace, the work will stop, the employees will not be able to get rid of the impact of the accident for a while, while the employees will be uneasy due to the insecurity of the working environment, perhaps they will slow things down. All of these are serious productivity losses for the employer. Stopping work due to an accident will also cause production losses. Accident workers and those dealing with these people will also create labor and workday losses. The invisible costs of the accident may include training of the employee who replaces the accident, overtime expenses and loss of reputation of the organization.

Explanations here OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systemexplains why.

in Business OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Management SystemThe institutions that establish and operate in accordance with their requirements shall have the following earnings:

  • Risks threatening occupational health and safety have been identified and necessary measures have been taken against these risks.
  • The requirements of the relevant legal regulations have been fulfilled.
  • Occupational health and safety targets have been determined in the organization and programs have been made to achieve these targets.
  • Employees were provided with the necessary training and awareness about occupational safety.
  • The organization is always prepared for emergencies.

The TÜRCERT certification body carries out its conformity assessment activities with the powers it receives from national and international accreditation bodies. If you have any doubts about what the OHSAS 18001 Certificate is and why it is necessary, if there is a need to obtain an OHSAS 18001 Certificate, you can immediately apply to the TÜRCERT certification body. TÜRCERT serves all management systems with its experienced managers and employees.