ISO 9001: Business processes and work flow charts of each unit's own activities have been prepared in enterprises with 2015 Quality Management System. Many times, however, the activities of one unit intersect with the activities of another unit. In order to establish an effective workflow in the enterprise, the existing business processes must prevent the repetitive work done at these intersections between the units. Here is ISO 9001 Inter-departmental Workflow The scheme is prepared in order to show the units and business processes that do business with each other and intersect business processes.

Process managementis an issue that businesses that want to improve their performance have focused more on in recent years. At the same time, process management is one of the nine criteria in the Business Excellence Model prepared by the European Foundation for Quality Management. The recent revision works in the Quality Management System have also been largely based on the process model.

Today, while some organizations are based on continuous improvement of processes in accordance with functional organizational structures, some organizations have considered process management as a form of management.

The following is an example cross-departmental workflow chart. Companies generally follow a business process similar to this scheme. Business flow chart The information fields on are as follows:

  • Document number (Work flow chart number)
  • Release date (date on which the work flow chart was first published)
  • Revision no (Revision of the work flow chart)
  • Revision date (The date on which the workflow diagram was last revised)
  • Page number (Number of pages of work flow chart)
  • Prepared (Name and title of the person who prepared the work flow chart)
  • Checker (Name and surname of the person controlling the work flow chart)
  • Approvator (Name and surname of the person approving the work flow chart)

ISO 9001. There may be some doubts about how to prepare the Inter-departmental Workflow Chart. our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification The company is ready to support with its experienced staff and strong infrastructure.


<Company logo>

Inter-departmental Work Flow Chart

Document no: İAŞ / 999

Release date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Revision no: 999

Revision date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Page no: 9 / 99


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>