Companies that establish and implement the Quality Management System in their businesses must keep a number of records in order to prove that the activities are carried out in accordance with the system requirements and that they are implemented effectively. ISO 9001: 2015 Control of Records The procedure is prepared to identify, create, enumerate these records, check, approve, reproduce, disseminate, distribute, revise and maintain them before publication.

Businesses keep these records in order to prove that the quality system has been carried out in accordance with the procedures and that the quality targets determined by the senior management have been achieved. These records also shorten the audit processes of the business.

This procedure includes the principles for collecting, classifying, accessing, filing, protecting, maintaining, and disposing of the quality records.

Businesses, quality system reports, procedures, instructions, business process plans, quality plans, internal audit records, corrective and preventive activity records, management review review records, customer complaint records, purchase records, supplier evaluation reports, supplier contract records, personnel monitoring records and collects and archives many other reports and documents in a controlled manner.

The records of the records prepared according to the business processes, how long and where they will be stored are shown in the storage records of quality records.

The personnel who make the records are responsible for keeping the records correctly and in accordance with the relevant procedure, specifying the date of change if it is changed, writing legible and clean when hand-written, and delivering to the relevant department. If changes are made to the records, the previous information is deleted and the new information is saved with the date of the change.

Recordsis stored in such a way that they cannot be damaged and are easily identified by the department responsible. Records sent to the archive are stored in the same way.

When the retention period of the quality records has expired, they must be disposed of in a way not to be used again. This is done with the knowledge of the quality management representative.

Records kept in computer environment are also classified. These records are controlled by the back-up procedure carried out by Computer.

ISO 9001: For information on how to prepare and use the 2015 Records Control Procedure, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company managers.



You can check the following document for the ISO 9001 Records Control Procedure Page.
ISO 9001 Record Control Procedure